FAQ for students

Modules and Courses

It says that my username or password is incorrect. What should I do?

If you typed in the correct username and password and you’re still not able to log in then you should test to see if your account is working. To do so, log in on https://mail.students.uni-mainz.de. with your username and password. If you’re not able to log in then your Uni-account isn’t working. In this case, please contact the Hotline/Helpdesk of the Data Center (ZDV). In other cases, please contact JOGU-StINe Services either by using the web form or via the hotline.

It says access denied. What should I do?

In this case, please use the web form or hotline to get in touch with JOGU-StINe Services.

I missed the registration period. What now?

If you missed the main registration period then make sure you register for your courses in the second registration period one week before the semester begins. If you’ve also missed the second registration period then you can still register in the third registration period during the first week of lectures. Keep in mind that the third registration period follows the principle of “first come, first served”. You can read more in the section on registration periods.

How do I deregister from a module?

As long as it is still the registration/deregistration period of a module (check module details by clicking on the name of the module, e.g. under Studies > Modules, you can deregister from the module. To do so, use the left-hand menu and select Registration > Courses > Register status. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find the modules for which you’re currently registered. Click on the red deregistration buttons to deregister. You can’t deregister from modules that you registered for in previous semesters via the web portal. If this is the case, please contact the responsible Student Advising Office (in german).

When am I able to deregister from a course?

As long as it is still the registration/deregistration period of a course (check course details by clicking on the name of the course, e.g. under Studies > Courses, you can deregister from the course. To do so, use the left-hand menu and select Registration > Courses > Register Status. There you’ll find the courses for which you’re currently registered. Click on the red deregistration buttons to deregister. If the registration period has ended, you won’t be able to register. If you have any questions, please contact the responsible Student Advising Office (in german).

It says No course found for registration.. What should I do?

Please make sure that the notification “No selection has yet been made” appears under the menu item “elective registration” (Registration > Electives > Elective registration). If this is the case, you first of all have to select an elective and then you will be able to see the courses that you can register for. Please also take a look at the section Electives.

It says You cannot register because you have not fulfilled all the requirements. No current registration deadline.. What should I do?

Please check the registration periods of the module or course by clicking on their title. The module/course details will then appear. In the section registration deadlines you will see the deadlines for the module or course. If these deadlines have expired, you will not be able to register or deregister online via JOGU-StINe. In this case, take a look at the section registration periods.

It says You cannot register because you have not fulfilled all the requirements. No suitable small group.. What should I do?

In this case, there’s nothing you can do yourself. Please contact the JOGU-StINe Services via either the web form or the hotline.

It says You cannot register because you have not fulfilled all the requirements. You cannot register because of your status, e.g. you are on leave.. What should I do?

In this case, there’s nothing you can do yourself. Please contact the JOGU-StINe Services via either the web form or the hotline.

It says You can only register for this course within the study program YX. What should I do?

You’re receiving this error notification because you’re still registered for this module through your old study program. Please contact your responsible Student Advising Office (in german) to have your module registration corrected.

How are places allocated in courses with restricted admission?

In the first two course registration periods, places in restricted courses are allocated according to the principles defined in the JGU senat guideline. In addition to what is specified in the senat guideline the Student Advising Office (in german) can also optionally prioritize the places as they deem appropriate when allocating them (see section Criteria for Place Allocation under registration periods).

Why can’t I register for my final module?

You can’t usually register for the final modules yourself. In order to be registered, please contact your responsible Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office.


Where on JOGU-StINe can I see which examinations I have to register for?

You can see the examinations for which you are able to register on JOGU-StINe under the menu item Exam registration (Registration > Examinations > Exam registration). They will appear next to a registration button. Please make sure you have selected the current semester. If you’re unsure as to which examinations to select or whether all examinations are showing up, please check the information on the module achievements for modularized degree programs (Bachelor, Master). You can find this information in the module details (My studies > Modules > Select module name). If you‘re still unsure then please contact your responsible Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office.

Where can I see which examinations I am already registered for?

Your examination registrations are sorted by semester and can be accessed under My studies > Examinations. If you’re not able to select the current semester, then you have not yet registered for an exam on JOGU-StINe.

What steps do I need to follow to successfully register for an exam?

  1. Have you clicked on Examination Registration > Next > Send?
  2. Have you entered your TAN?
  3. 3. Can you see the examination for which you registered under My studies > Examinations in the current semester?

If you answered questions 1 to 3 with yes, then all the requirements for a successful examination registration have been met.

There is no registration button for my examination. What should I do?

If there is no blue registration button next to the exam you wish to register for, then please contact the JOGU-StINe Services.

How can I deregister from examinations?

Please pay attention to the section Examination Deregistration. During the examination registration period, you can deregister from exams using the red deregistration buttons (My Studies > Examinations) In order to do so, you will require a valid TAN number. As an examination registration is binding, it is only possible to deregister from the examination outside of the examination registration period in exceptional cases (e.g. in case of illness). The conditions for deregistering are specified in your examination regulations. Deregistration outside of the examination registration period can only be carried out by the responsible Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office.

What happens if I miss an examination?

If you fail to attend an examination for which you were registered then you will be graded with a fail. Please contact your responsible Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office to find out what to do if you plan on missing an exam.

How do I register for a repeat examination?

You usually have to use JOGU-StINe. in order to register for a repeat examination. There are, however, sometimes subject-specific exceptions. Please take a look at the information on the homepages of your subject. If you’re unable to find the repeat examination under Registration > Examinations > Exam Registration for the current semester then please select the semester during which you first registered for the examination. If this still doesn’t work then please contact your responsible Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office during the registration period.

How can I make use of free attempts on JOGU-StINe?

Please ask your responsible Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office. about your subject-specific free attempt regulation. In order to clarify whether your examination regulations include any regulations on free attempts, please look at the specifications of your examination regulations under Fachbezogene Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen - in german.

Why can’t I select the current semester when checking my examination results?

You’re only able to see your examination results for semesters where the results have already been uploaded. If you’re unable to see a semester, this means that no results have yet been uploaded.

Why can other students already see their examination results, but I can’t?

Normally all examination participants’ results are uploaded to JOGU-StINe at the same time by the corresponding Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office. Sometimes – for example in the case of term papers – the responsible Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office. will upload individual students’ results first. This means that they will be able to see their results while the others won’t. This may be the case in situations where the teacher has not yet determined the student’s grade. If you have any other questions concerning this matter then please contact your responsible Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office.

Why does it say not set yetin my module results?

You will only be able to see your results in the module overview once you have completed all the parts of the module (compare the information on academic achievements in the module details under My Studies > Module > Click on Module names) and the entire grade has been uploaded to JOGU-StINe by the responsible Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office If you have still not completed the module, you will see the message "not set yet". Please keep in mind that you may not be able to see the module result in the semester in which you took the final examination. This is because the results are arranged according to when they are uploaded to the web portal and also the semester times (summer semester: 01/04 to 30/09, winter semester: 01/10 to 31/03). The upload date may differ from the semester in which the examination was taken (e.g. examination was taken on 10/03 = winter semester, examination result was uploaded on 15/04 = summer semester). This can have the effect that the message "not set yet" appears in the module achievements for the winter semester, while the result can be seen when you open the following summer semester.


Where can I get a new TAN list?

Students in Mainz

If your TAN list is still valid, you can generate a new one yourself via the web portal. Please read the section TAN procedure. Students whose TAN lists are invalid or have been lost can find more information about generating a new list under Losing your TAN list.

I do not have a valid TAN list, I have lost my TAN list, my TAN list is blocked, how do I get a new TAN list?

You can request a replacement TAN online to generate a new TAN list. Please read the section under Losing your TAN list.

I have applied for a replacement TAN via the web form for students. When will I receive my replacement TAN?

Your request will be processed during the service hours of the JOGU-StINe Service. Service hours are Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm and Friday from 9 am to 1 pm. Unfortunately, no processing is possible outside these service hours. Please do not send more than one request. Your request for a replacement TAN via the web form will be processed as quickly as possible during service hours.

According to JOGU-StINe my replacement TAN list has 50 TAN numbers, but I only received one. Where are the remaining 49 TANs?

For technical reasons, you will not be able to see the other 49 TANs. It is only this one replacement TAN that entitles you to generate a new TAN list. The remaining 49 TANs have no further purpose at this moment and will not affect the generation of your new TAN list.

Academic Records

I need a list of my academic records in order to change universities or apply for a Master's program. Where can I get it?

Please refer to the section for information on transcripts of records.

Why can't I see my results in my list of academic records?

On JOGU-StINe , you will only be able to see the results of modules that have been completed. You can access the results of modules that have not yet been completed via My Studies > Results > Module Results on JOGU-StINe. If you are not sure which courses and achievements are necessary to complete the module, please refer to the module details for more information (My Studies > Modules > Click on Module name). If the module has been completed and still does not appear in your academic records, please contact the JOGU-StINe Services.

Why are there no ECTS grades in my list of academic records?

According to the EU Commission, the ECTS grading system is no longer to be applied. Instead, so-called ECTS Grading Tables are to be used, which provide information on the percentage distribution of grades. These tables are already included in the academic records and transcripts of JGU's Bachelor's and Master's degree programs.

Additional qualifications

I would like to register for courses offered in the General Studies program in addition to the courses specified in the examination regulations. Where can I find them?

Please select Registration > Course > Course registration. Your degree program will then be displayed with a list of various selectable fields. Please click on Additional qualifications and then on General Studies. You will then see a list of the selectable fields offered in the General Studies. Please select the section Themenschwerpunkte. The General Studies courses are then listed in the same way as the standard courses and you can register for them using the blue registration button.

In addition to the courses specified in the examination regulations, I would like to register for courses of other faculties via General Studies. Where can I find them?

Please select Registration > Course > Course registration. Your degree program will then be displayed with a list of various selectable fields. Please click on Additional qualifications and then on General Studies. You will then see a list of the selectable fields offered in the General Studies. Please select the section Additional courses for enrolled students of all faculties and registered guest students. The structure of the course catalog will then be displayed to you. Select the department that is offering the courses you would like to attend. Courses from subjects offered as part of the General Studies are listed with the standard course registrations and you can register for them using the blue registration button.

As specified in my examination regulations, I have to registered for courses offered in the General Studies. Where can I find them?

Please select Registration > Course > Course registration. Your degree program will then be displayed with a list of various selectable fields. Please click on the subject where you have to register for General Studies courses according to your examination regulations. These are then listed with the other standard courses and you can register for the modules and courses using the blue registration button.

Auditor registration

What is an auditor registration?

If you would like to attend a course that is not included in your examination regulations, you can register as an auditor. Please read the information on auditor registration.

How do I register for courses as an auditor?

In order to register as an auditor for a course, please use the menu on the left and select Registration > Courses > Auditor Registration. In the main window you will now see the structure of the course catalog. Select the faculty that offers the courses you wish to attend. In the sections where courses are offered to auditors, these courses are then listed in the same way as the standard courses. You can register for them using the blue registration button.

Why can I find a course in the course catalog, but not in the auditor registration?

You will only find courses in the auditor registration if they have been approved by the relevant Student Advising Office - in german. If you cannot register as an auditor, please contact your responsible Student Advising Office - in german.

Can I participate in exams as an auditor?

As an auditor, you do not have to take part in exams or coursework. According to the enrollment regulations (Einschreibeordnung) of 09/06/2010, it may sometimes be possible for auditors to register for an examination during the examination registration period via the respective Student Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office in (Studienfächer (degree programs) - in german) that have no admission restrictions. Please contact your responsible Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office in good time.

International Preparatory and Language Center (ISSK)

How do I register for International Preparatory and Language Center (ISSK) courses?

You don’t use JOGU-StINe o register for Foreign Language Center courses. Please refer to the information provided on JOGU-StINe under Registration > Courses > International Preparatory and Language Center.


Why do I see courses written in italics in my calendar?

Courses appear in italics in the JOGU-StINe calendar as long as your registration status is still "pending", i.e. no final allocation for the courses has yet been made by your Student Advising Office. If you’ve registered for a course with small groups, you will see all the small groups of the course in italics in your calendar. As soon as all the places have been allocated after the registration period, the course that you have received a place in will be displayed in a regular font.

Why can I see exam dates in my calendar that I didn't sign up for?

In your calendar, you are currently able to see all the exam dates that are related to your registered modules, although you haven't registered for them. Please ignore this. The error has been reported to the software manufacturers. For the time being, please do not use the calendar to keep track of your examination dates, but rather use your examination overview under My studies > Examinations.

I can't import the ics calendar feature file into the Windows Live calendar (or any other calendar software). What is the reason for this?

This is because there are several standard specifications for calendar files in the iCalendar format (ics). The newer specification used on JOGU-StINe does not match the one supported by the Windows calendar. Please pay attention to updates of the software you are using, as this may support the new specification.


How can I access messages in JOGU-StINe?

Please read the information in the section Incoming messages and message archive on the page Messages/Dates. The default setting is Unread messages. It can be helpful to select All messages because you can then see all messages sent by you and to you via JOGU-StINe in chronological order. Messages sent by lecturers via JOGU-StINe to students in the context of a course can also be accessed via the course in question itself (see section on “I haven’t received a message. What should I do?”). To do so, click, for example, on the title of the respective course under My studies > Courses. Then click on the button Messages in the top right.

I haven’t received a message. What should I do?

Please open All messages in your message archive by clicking on the buttons Archive and then All after selecting the menu item Messages/Dates. You will then see all the messages that you have sent or that have been sent to you via JOGU-StINe. If you haven’t received a particular message from a lecturer concerning a course then please check whether this message was perhaps not sent via JOGU-StINe. Some lecturers prefer to use email. If this is the case then the messages will be directly sent to your student email account and will not appear on JOGU-StINe.

How do I forward JOGU-StINe messages to my email account?

JOGU-StINe messages are automatically forwarded to your university email address. JOGU-StINe messages have been given the subject prefix [Info by JOGU-StINe] as far as possible

Why am I obligated to use my student email account?

In addition to forwarded system messages, other messages that are related to your studies at JGU will also be sent to your student email account (…@students.uni-mainz.de). The Studierendensekretariat and Student Advising Office will, for example, also send you messages to your student account with information on e.g. registration deadlines, documents and semester material, organizational details concerning your studies.

This is partly based on an administrative order issued in 2009, which specifies the mandatory use of electronic communication in the field of study and examination administration as well as student administration at JGU. (https://teamweb/sites/zd/Verwaltungsverfgungen/2009-02.pdf - in german).

Change of subject and change of examination regulations

Why can I still see exams from my old degree program?

You might still be able to see exams from your old degree program in your examination overview. This is because the process has not yet been completed of transferring all the relevant data from the old subject into the new one. It is, however, not normally possible to register for exams from the old program. If this is not the case and you are able to register for exams from your old program then please do not do so. Instead contact our JOGU-StINe Services.

When will I be able to see my academic achievements correctly on JOGU-StINe after a change in the examination regulations?

If you have credits or registrations from your previous course of study that are also relevant for your new subject, these will be transferred accordingly by the responsible Student Advising Office (in german). If you can't see your credits or registrations, it is most probably the case that your previous modules are still assigned to your old subject. In this case, please get in contact with the respective Student Advising Office (in german). They will be able to change this for you.


Which Student Advising Office is responsible for me/ my concerns?

If you wish to register for or deregister from a course or an exam then please contact the Student Advising Office (in german) or Registrar’s Office of the subject that is responsible for the course or exam. If you’re unsure as to which Student Advising Office is responsible then contact the JOGU-StINe Services. If you require a copy of your academic records then you will find information on who to contact in the section transcripts of records.

I have moved to a new place. Where can I change my address on JOGU-StINe?

You can change your address under Service > Personal Details.