Using Anonymous Exam Numbers

Using Anonymous Exam Numbers

You have the option to carry out examinations with JOGU-StINe using anonymized exam numbers. In this case, students do not mark their examinations with their name and student ID number, but rather with their exam number. In JOGU-StINe, student names and ID numbers will then not be visible; instead, the anonymous exam numbers will be displayed.

Please note:
Students do not receive an automatic notification informing them that the exam will be anonymous. Please make sure you inform your students that they need to have their exam number at hand when the examination is held. Students can find their anonymous exam number in JOGU-StINe under Service > Personal details.

Anonymous exam numbers allow examinations and corrections to be carried out and grades to be entered without the examiner knowing whose exam they are handling. This is meant to ensure neutrality and fairness.

Your student advising office or examination office is in charge of setting up anonymous examinations. Please contact these offices if you would like to hold anonymous examinations.

The results are entered into JOGU-StINe as usual.

Selecting an Exam

Log onto JOGU-StINe and select Teaching from the upper navigation menu. Then select Examinations from the left-hand menu and click on Group examinations.

You will be shown a list of all the examinations for the current semester for which you are authorized to enter grades. Use the drop-down menu to see examinations from other semesters.

To access the screen where you can enter your grades, click on the corresponding examination.

Entering Grades

After you have selected an exam, you will see a list of all the participants’ anonymous exam numbers. This is where you enter your grades. To do so, click on the applicable field in the Grade column and type in your grade.

When entering your grades, you can use the TAB key on your keyboard to quickly jump to the next input field.

Noting Absence of Exam Participant

If an exam participant is absent from the exam, you must mark their absence in the system by ticking the corresponding box in the Absent column. During the examination, you will check attendance using the list of registered exam numbers and enter absences as usual.

When you place this tick, the system will register the exam participant’s absence as “unexcused,” meaning that when you save your grades, their absence will be marked with a 5.0.

If the student submits a medical certificate or another legitimate form of excuse to the student advising office or examination office, then said office can change the status of their absence from unexcused to excused. The exam will then be classified as having not been taken by the exam participant. In this case, the reason for the student’s absence will also appear in the grade list as entered by the student advising office or examination office.

Adding Details, Saving and Releasing Grades, Grading System, and Grade Statistics

You have the option to add your own comment for each exam participant. This functions the same as for non-anonymized exams. The same applies to saving and releasing the grades, receiving information on grading systems and viewing the grade statistics. You can find details on these topics on the webpage Entering grades.